Dr Vicky O’Dwyer MD, MRCPI, MRCOG

Director of Gynaecology at the Rotunda Hospital

Director of Gynaecology at the Rotunda Hospital


Dr Vicky O’Dwyer is a Consultant Obstetrician and Director of Gynaecology at the Rotunda Hospital. She has a special interest in preventing preterm birth and caring for women with pre-existing medical conditions who are pregnant. She completed a maternal medicine fellowship in 2017 and ran a National preterm prevention clinic before joining the Rotunda in 2019.

She spent 2 years working in the UCD Centre for Human Reproduction exploring the relationship between maternal body composition and caesarean section. She has a medical doctorate and has published extensively on the topic of the caesarean section. 

Vicky says “I love my job. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else”. “The most rewarding part is to look after someone through their pregnancy, whether it is straightforward or there are a few bumps in the road, and to see them at the end of the journey both happy and well.” 

Vicky is a mum of three children. “I think having been pregnant and having children has made me a better obstetrician”

Dr O’Dwyer

Dr Vicky O’Dwyer MD, MRCPI, MRCOG
Dr. O'dwyer

Private Maternity Care

First Trimester

Your first visit at 9 weeks is a reassurance scan. At 12 weeks your booking visit also includes an ultrasound scan to date your pregnancy and discuss you wishes for the pregnancy so that your care can be tailored to you.

second & third trimester

Aantenatal visits in the second and third trimester include the 'big scan' at 20-22 weeks and consultations with Dr O'Dwyer. These are an opportunity for you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have during the pregnancy and plan your delivery. At every visit you will have monitoring of your blood pressure and an ultrasound scan.' For some women a GTT diabetes test is performed as part of the 28 week visit. Antenatal classes are available to all Rotunda patients including hypnobirthing classes.


Whether it is a natural delivery, induction of labour or planned elective caesarean section we will make a decision that is best for you and your baby.

Our services

Gynaecology, Prepregnancy Consultation, Maternity

Dr. O'dwyer

Personalised Maternity Care

0 +
Years of experience
0 /5
Patients satisfatory rating

Our experience at the Rotunda Hospital was wonderful, from the care we received from our brilliant obstetrician Dr Vicky O'Dwyer to the fantastic staff on the labour ward and postnatal ward. We can't thank you enough.

Let's talk

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